Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pregnant Women Who Lose Babies Face Criminal Charges In Mississippi, Alabama | ThinkProgress

The war against autonomy for women continues its appalling charge in a move toward a medieval society. Seriously,  this is part of a very deliberate war being waged by Christian extremists, terrorists. Think that language is too strong? Their goals involve setting up a theocracy with women subjugated to men, a complete rollback of gender and sex equality including reproductive, employment, criminal protections for women, queers, and sexual minorities.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The best article I've seen so far on Bishop Long

 Bishop Eddie Long Accused of Sexual Misconduct goes into more detail regarding how Long allegedly preyed on the young men, gained their confidence, and persuaded them to engage in sexual conduct with him. Funnily (or not) enough, it is virtually identical to the process used by pimps to entice young girls into prostitution, except that these young men got a far more expensive persuasion program (international travel, fancy hotels, fine dining, etc.) compared to their counterparts.

Friday, September 24, 2010